Thursday, April 1, 2010

Eric's Perseption of me

So one of the students from the visiting base, Eric, has an amazing gift of perception and is able to see what kind of people they are based off a very little amount of involvement. He spent about an hour going through each of our team and giving his perception on them. After I read the small synopsis of mine I wanted to hear more about it and this is what he said: He said that he saw that I was a very nice person that is also very much an encourager. He saw that I am called to be a leader, but not a leader in the limelight, one that works more in smaller groups or one on one. he continued to say that although I may be behind the scenes I still could go up and talk to many but my main area would be with smaller groups. He also mentioned that he sees me as one who will disciple and teach others. He then went on to say that people may not notice me as much because I can be quiet, but he says that when I speak people will listen and many will be transformed. He went on to say that through my disciplining on a smaller basis that I may not see the differences I am making right away but that it will be like a domino effect and I will be amazed. As he finished he mentioned he sees me possibly as a DTS leader with YWAM. Soon later I mentioned that I have been getting a feeling I may be called to do exactly that. I then brought up the time when I talked to him two weeks prior at the Nations to Nations conference about my backpacking ministry I may start. After I mentioned the ministry at the conference he said maybe I should go be staff at a backpacking DTS in Australia and I went on to say when he told me that I got chills, a sense of peace and the words,"go for it, go for it." I told him since that time Australia has been on my mind and he said that sometimes the Lord helps him lead others in a direction and this may be one of the cases. It will still take time before I know if Australia is truly where God wants me but things are starting to lean that way. It was great to hear from Eric and his amazing perceptions of me, for most of them I had been told about in the past. It is great when the Lord gives you confirmation on things and hopefully i will continue to get confirmation about my calling. God is good.

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